Man Cannot Control the Weather

The liberals around the globe would have you believe that man, through the use of automobiles can somehow control global temperatures.  There are even newspaper writers, cable and network news producers, politicians, actors, and actresses who think if you question global warming that you only question it because you were either brain washed by Fox News or Rush Limbaugh.

Ariana Huffington and Al Gore declared the debate to be over.  Never mind there are thousands of scientists who disagree.  Never mind the scientists who developed the hockey stick graph admitted they were cooking the numbers.  Global Warming is nothing more than a money making scheme for Al Gore.  That is the only reason he is so determined not to let anyone disagree with the made up theory.

I am not an Ivy League Graduate, but I am smart enough to know that my vehicle cannot cause the temperature of the globe to rise.  I am smart enough to know that emissions from cows also cannot cause Global Warming.  I am smart enough to know that Carbon Dioxide is just a trace element in the environment, it is a necessary for all element for all living things, it is not harmful to the environment, and it should never be regulated.

Global Warming, Climate Change, Global Climate Disruption, or whatever you want to call it, is a farce. It was invented as a money making scheme, and those who have perpetuated the hoax have used scare tactics to continue to take money.  The climate does change.  Temperatures do rise and fall.  Hurricanes are more numerous and intense in certain years than others.  Deadly Tornadoes and Tsunamis do strike, but they always have, it is called weather, not Global Climate Disruption.

The sad thing is that these scientists have brainwashed a lot of supposedly smart people into believing that man has the ability to control the weather.  Man cannot control the weather, and anyone who believes that is foolish.  The debate is over, there is no such as Global Warming.

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Message From The White House – Keep Your Opinions to Yourself

The liberals are in favor of free speech as long as you completely agree with them.  The Obama campaign team has created a website which allows you to turn in conservatives.  If anyone disagrees with Obama you can submit their name and post to the Orwellian website, Attack Watch.  Of course the lame stream media has completely ignored this story because it sheds a bad light on the president.   The goal of the media is to get Obama reelected, and any negative stories about the president are simply not allowed to see the light of day.

Can you imagine the outrage if President George W. Bush had created a website asking citizens to turn in liberal bloggers?  The story would have been the only story airing every night.  There would be organized marches on Washington demanding the president stop his attack on free speech.  This president has proved time and time again, he is opposed to free speech, unless you agree with his policies and his ideals.  If you do not, you will be turned in to his thought police.

This president needs to grow some thick skin and learn how to act like a president.  He does not need an intimidating website to get out his message.  All he has to do is grab a podium and microphone, and MSNBC will be there with cameras to broadcast his message, and they will use their commentators to curtail any differing opinions.

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Obama, You Win Again!

Obama and his liberal friends have worked together to raise the price of a gallon of gasoline, and keep the price at an elevated level.  Obama said during your campaign that he wanted the price of gas to be high, but he wished it would have happened on a slower pace.  Since Obama has been in office he has done everything in his power to ensure the price of gas stays elevated and forces those of us out here in the real world to make sacrifices just to put gas in our vehicles.  His administration has made it very difficult for any oil company to be approved for drilling.  His administration placed a moratorium on off shore drilling off of the Gulf Coast, and the oil rigs picked up and moved to Brazil.  His administration has also gave money the United States borrowed from China to Brazil to help them drill for oil off of their coast.  Obama claims there is no quick fix for the high price of gas and oil, but all he has to do is allow oil companies to harvest oil in The United States of America, and the price of oil would drop instantly.

Due to this administration’s mismanagement of the economy, I had to buy a small car just to be able to afford to drive to work.  So the Obama and the liberals win, I am driving a small car just like they wanted.  Their goal all along was to eliminate sport utility vehicles, mini vans, and trucks.  They are succeeding.  Pretty soon we will all driving small ugly European vehicles like those in National Lampoon’s European Vacation.  Thank you liberalism!

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Obama, The Gift That Keeps On Giving

President Obama and the policies of his democrat allies have made it unbelievably difficult to drill for oil in the shallow water off the coast of the United States.  They have also made it very difficult to drill for oil on land in the United States.  These actions forced oil companies to drill for oil in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico.  This lead to last years’ catastrophe in the Gulf, which killed human citizens of the United States.  Of course, the left wing media who puts animal life above human life focused on the animal deaths caused by the disaster, and quickly forgot about the loss of human life in the massive fire.

If Obama and his left-wing, capitalism killing friends in the democrat party would have allowed oil companies drill for oil on land and in shallow waters, the disaster in the Gulf might not have ever happened.  Obama ignored the disaster for several days, providing no direction, and his incompetent appointments ignored the NOAA’s emergency plan, which gave the Coast Guard the authority to burn off the oil immediately.  If the administration had acted quickly, the disaster would have been far less catastrophic, and maybe more of the businesses on the Alabama Gulf Coast would have been saved.

Obama and his administration completely bungled the spill in the Gulf, and to add insult to injury, they placed a moratorium on deep water drilling, and have issued only one permit since the ban was lifted.  This has caused more unemployment and more dependence on foreign oil.  Furthermore, his actions have caused oil rigs to pull up anchor and move to Brazil, and Obama recently promised to subsidize Brazil’s oil industry while destroying America’s oil industry.  If only the citizens of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama had voted for Obama during the election, maybe he would have helped the oil industry and acted quickly during the early stages of the oil spill.

One thing is for certain, if you enjoy high unemployment rates, a disastrous economy, and dependence on foreign oil, you should vote for Obama in 2012, and keep the democrats in charge of the Senate.

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Mr. President Please Stick To Relevant Issues

This week the president of The United States delivered a speech on bullying.  This is the type of topic which should be discussed by a president of a board of education or a principal or a teacher.  This is a subject which should be discussed on Fox and Friends just before a cooking segment, the president of The United States of America should not be paying his speech writers to fill his teleprompter with the dangers of bullying.

Can you imagine if former President Bush had delivered a speech on bullying?  The media would have went on and on about how the president should be dealing with important issues like unrest in the Middle East, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the economy.  Instead the media spent the week praising the current president for his caring and open mindedness.

I would like the president to stop wasting his time on unimportant issues and instead focus on issues like unrest in the Middle East, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the economy.  I am tired of our elected leaders in Washington driving up the cost of oil, gas, clothing, food, and everything and on top of all that raising taxes.  Enough, help us out!  Stop wasting the money you take from us and fix something.

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Can You Believe Charlie Sheen Was Complaining About Getting Paid 1.8 Million Dollars Per Episode?

Charlie Sheen should have been on his hands and knees thanking God for getting paid 1.8 million dollars per episode, instead of whining about not getting enough.  The rest of us out here in the real world cannot comprehend the idea of getting paid that much money for a year, much less 24 times a year.  The rest of us out hear in the real world struggle to buy groceries, gas, clothing, and are just happy to have a positive balance in our checking accounts.  But not Charlie. He was not happy. He felt he deserved 3 million dollars per episode.  It was not fair that the producers made more money than he did.  They needed to share their wealth with him.  Charlie sounds an awful like a democrat.

The producers of Two and a Half Men put up with a lot from Charlie, but the last straw came when Charlie decided it would be a great idea to insult the producers and their families in public.  Charlie probably could have kept doing as many drugs, drinking as much alcohol, and had as many women with questionable career choices as he wanted staying at his house, if he had just kept his mouth shut.

One thing is certain, Charlie should ask Jesus into his heart, and straighten out his life.  I do not know one person who has ever said, my life was going nowhere until I started drinking alcohol, and doing large quantities of illegal drugs.  Drugs and alcohol really brought me out the gutter.  But I know several people who have saved their lives by asking Jesus into their hearts.

How to ask Jesus Into Your Heart

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The Morons in Washington Do Not Care That You Cannot Afford To Put Gas in Your Car

The president’s limo, the vehicles his security force uses, Air Force One, the jets guarding Air Force One, all need fuel to operate.  We, the tax payers pay for that fuel.  The price of gasoline absolutely does not affect the president.  He receives an annual salary of $400,000 from us, the citizens of the United States.  He lives rent free in a house we pay to maintain.  He does not have to struggle to make ends meet, like the rest of us.

During his campaign, Obama stated he would have preferred a gradual rise in gas prices.  Obama and his Democrat buddies want the price of gas to be high so that we will use less energy.  Instead of drilling for more oil in the United States and building more oil refineries, the Democrats make it part of their platform to drive up gas prices.  The members of the House and the Senate who do this, get paid $174,000 per year, so high gas prices do not affect them the same as it affects us.

Since Obama has been in office, he has placed a moratorium on deep water oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, and the oil rigs pulled anchor and floated away to Brazil.  He has refused to open land in the United States for drilling.  He fights all efforts to drill for oil anywhere and everywhere.  Obama and the Democrats attack and demonize oil companies, and criticize their profits, even though the United States’ makes more money on a gallon of gas than the oil companies through taxes.

When George W. Bush was president of the United States, the media blamed him for driving up the price of gas, even though it was clearly the liberal policies of the Democrats that drove up the price of gas.  Now that a Democrat is in the Whitehouse, the media is blaming everyone besides the actual people causing the price of a barrel of oil to sky rocket out of control.  If you want to point the finger of blame at someone for the ridiculous price of gas, point the finger at the Democrats who run this country, and their anti-capitalistic policies.

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The Liberals Have Made The United States A Laughing Stock To The Rest Of The World

The United States of America is sitting on a tremendous amount of oil reserves, and an unbeliveable amount of coal.  However the idiots in Washington refuse to let us process and sell our own resources and force us to get resources from countries who hate America and everything America stands for.  Mining for coal and drilling would employ thousands and thousands and thousands of Americans, but that does not matter to the idiots running the country.  Instead they have chosen to appease environmental extremists who would prefer we live in the stone ages.  The environmental dictators would rather we ride bicycles to work and live in caves with not electricity.

Other countries are allowed to build nuclear power plants.  The United States even shared the technology with countries, but the we do not get to build nuclear power plants here in the United States.  The liberals in Washington have made it too difficult and expensive to build nuclear power plants here in the United States.  The federal and state governments also make it very difficult and expensive to build coal or natural gas power plants.  China puts a new coal power plant on line every week, but new power plants are fought tooth and nail here in the United States.  Instead of building new power plants, Congress chose to outlaw the incandescent light bulb.

The liberals have made the United States a laughing stock to the rest of the world.  Other countries think it is absolutely ridiculous that the United States does not utilize the resources in our country.  They also think it is ridiculous that our leaders have destroyed jobs, the economy, while subsidizing unprofitable experiments like electric cars.

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Pray for the morons at Fox

The morons at Fox refused to run an by the website  Fox said the ad was ‘religious doctrine’, and banned the ad from running nationally.  But why would anyone expect anything different from a television network that airs garbage like, ‘The Family Guy’, ‘The Simpsons’, ‘The Cleveland Show’, and ‘Raising Hope’.  The ad was allowed to run in Birmingham, AL and Washington D.C., and the website was overwhelmed with internet traffic.  But the ad should have been aired nationally.

With all of the ridiculous nonsense we are subjected to daily in commercials, this one should not have been banned.  A message of hope for mankind should never be considered controversial.  If you agree with me, send a letter to the morons at Fox and let them you know that you think banning this ad was small minded.  Oh and pray for them too.  They need all of the prayers they can get.

The ad:

A message of hope:

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Nissan, The Polar Bears Are Not In Danger

In Nissan’s commercial for its new experimental production car, the Nissan Leaf, that’s right Nissan actually named a car, Leaf, a polar makes the journey from the North Pole to some idiot in the lower 48 who purchased a Nissan Leaf.  Instead of mauling the guy, the polar bear gives the guy a hug.  I guess this supposed to mean that the guy saved the polar bear’s life by driving an electric car.

First of all, the polar bears are not endangered, the population has actually been increasing in some areas of the world.  Second, CO2 is not a toxic gas, it is a trace element in the atmosphere, necessary to sustain plant life, and it is not warming the globe or melting the ice at the North Pole.  Third, the internal combustion engine is not effecting the global temperature.

The environmentalists will not let us drill for oil in the United States.  The environmentalists will not lets us build new oil refineries to turn the oil into gas, which is driving the price of gas and oil through the roof.  The environmentalists will not let us build new coal, natural gas, or nuclear power plants.  So we will not be able to meet the demand of recharging electric cars nightly.

The Nissan Leaf starts at $25,000, save your money, buy a used high gas mileage Civic, and put the extra $10,000 in the bank.,2933,138346,00.html

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My Father Is In Heaven

It has been a little over six years since my father passed away.  He death was sudden and tragic.  It was totally unexpected, and I may never be able to get over the circumstances surrounding his death.  However, when I was seven years old.  I witnessed my father accept Jesus Christ into his heart, and I was in the church when he Baptized, professing his faith in front of the congregation.  I know that he is now in Heaven enjoying his eternal reward.  It gives me great comfort to know that he accepted Jesus before dying.

I never asked God why my father died the way he did or why he was taken so soon.  I know why and I completely understand.  It does not make it any easier to accept, however I know I would have been devastated if he had not professed his faith and asked God for forgiveness.  My father did not have a slow lingering death in a hospital bed, he would not have had time to ask Jesus into his heart.  When he woke up that morning, my father had no clue that would be his last day on earth.  This is why you should ask Jesus to come into your heart now, do not wait another day.  You never know which day will be your last day on earth.  I did not get a chance to say goodbye to my father, but I know that I will get to see him again because I have professed my faith, asked Jesus to come into my heart, and asked for forgiveness from God.

How To Ask Jesus Into Your Heart

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Obamacare Ruled Unconstitutional

All members of Congress take an oath to uphold the constitution of the United States when being sworn into office.  Despite taking this oath, the members of Congress continue to pass unconstitutional laws.  Today a judge ruled obamacare, passed in the middle of the night, after securing a large number of back room deals, and going completely against the will of the citizens of the United States, unconstitutional.  Nancy Pelosi, was quoted as saying that we need to pass it to find out what is in it.  Maybe if she had read it, she would have realized it is unconstitutional to force citizens to purchase health insurance.  Then again Nancy and the democrats view the U.S. Constitution as an obstacle.  Every representative who voted for obamacare should be thrown out of office for violating The Constitution, but then again most of those who voted for the bill were thrown out of office last November.  Hopefully the trend will continue, and obama will become a one term president.

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Windows Weekly Host Can’t Say Christmas, But Takes The Lord’s Name in Vain

I am a computer programmer, and I listen to a lot of technology podcasts on my Microsoft Zune.  You probably have never heard of the ‘Windows Weekly’ podcast, since I am a Windows programmer, and like to keep up with the latest technology news.  ‘Windows Weekly’ is one of the technology podcasts that I listen to.  The podcast is hosted by Paul Thurrott and Leo Laporte.

Paul has written several technology books dealing with Microsoft Windows, and Loe has created a podcast empire from his home in California while hosting a nationally syndicated radio show on the weekends.   On the podcast, the two talk about the latest news involving Microsoft.

On one of the first podcasts in January, shortly after Christmas.  Paul explained how he organized his ‘holiday’ music on his mp3 player, and listened to the ‘holiday’ music in his house.  He explained that he has many ‘holiday’ mp3’s, but since he only listens to them once a year, he has a hard time figuring out where to store the songs.  It is very obvious  that he was talking about Christmas and Christmas songs because it was only a couple of weeks after Christmas, and Christmas is the only Holiday with songs in the United States of America.  Later in the same episode, he took the Lord’s name in vain.  He didn’t say OMG, but he used the worst form, the one that obama’s former paster, Reverend Wright used to curse America after the September 11th attacks.

Sure Paul is entitled to free speech, he can say whatever he wants to say on his podcast.  The FCC has not begun regulating podcasts, not yet anyway.  He is entitled to say whatever he wants to including ‘Christmas’ songs.  It is truly pathetic that he felt it was necessary to censor the word ‘Christmas’.  Well, at this time in American history, Christianity is being censored.

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Message from Democrats: Shut Up, Republicans

The left is at again.  They have blamed the  mass murder in  Arizona  on Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh.  Democrat politicians have used this as an occasion to try to drum up support to reinstate The Fairness Doctrine and end talk radio.  Never mind that the shooter did not listen to talk or watch the news.  The biased, left wing media has chosen to lay the blame at the feet of Fox News and talk radio.

Sheriff Dupnik of Pima County, where the shooting took place has blamed Rush Limbaugh and political discourse for the shooting and referred to Arizona as the mecca of bigotry and prejudice.  The left wing media blamed Sarah Palin for the shooting by referring to a 2008 election map election with cross hair symbols.  When Sarah Palin defended herself, the left wing media asked why is Ms. Palin putting herself in the middle of this.  Left wing media, you are the ones who brought her into the middle of this.

The message from the state run media, a propaganda arm of the democrat party, is clear.  The reason for the shooting is due to the fact that talk radio forced those on the right to get angry at Mr. Obama and the democrats for ramming through socialized medicine, for ruining the economy, for attacking capitalism, for increasing the death tax from 0 to 55%, for bailing out the GM unions while clobbering shareholders, for wasting tax dollars on the fraud of global warming, for ignoring our immigration laws and filing a lawsuit to prevent the immigration laws from being enforced, and for banning off shore drilling.  Most citizens of the United States did not need talk radio to get them motivated to stand up and fight against these attacks on our country.

Sheriff Dupnik, a person is not a racist or prejudice if that person simply wants the immigration laws of the United States enforced.  A person is not a racist if that person does not want to be murdered by an illegal alien drug lord while tending to their ranch.  Mr. Obama, a person is not a radical right wing, nut job, if that person is opposed to your destruction of health care in the United States.

The left is in favor of free speech as long as you are on their side of every single issue.  If you are not, they want you silenced.  Every single person in this country is entitled to free speech, and those in this country on the right side of the issues have the right to speak out against the push toward socialism in this country.  If you are opposed to the policies of this administration continue to speak out against those policies, do not let the left intimidate you into remaining silent.

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Saying Merry Christmas Is Not Offensive

In the United States, Christmas is celebrated on December 25th.  It is a time to when people across the country stand in long lines purchasing large amounts of merchandise from retail stores.  These retail store make most of their money during the month of December, and most of the customers who purchase items from their stores during this time are purchasing the items in order to give them as Christmas presents.  However some of these retail stores have forbidden their employees to wish customers a Merry Christmas.  Furthermore these stores remove any reference to Christmas in their flyers and advertising.

These stores should be embracing Christmas.  The people who run these stores should be spreading the joys of Christmas instead of caving into the political correctness of the left who wish to turn The United States into a secular society.

I get it, not everyone is a Christian, and not everyone believes the true meaning of Christmas.  However, this is no reason to ruin it for the rest of us who do celebrate Christmas and are not offended by a simple phrase.  All of the management of these stores who refuse to let their employees wish customers a Merry Christmas may find out they have appeased the wrong group and find themselves  out of business and out of a job.  Believe me, the majority of shoppers in the United States believe that saying Merry Christmas is not offensive.

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Great Link

I thought I would save some time and use someone else’s post to express how I feel:

Dear atheists Most Of Us Don’t Care What You Think

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The atheists Are Trying To Put An End To Christmas

It is Christmas again and atheists around the country have ramped up their efforts to eliminate Christmas fore everyone.  The atheists have been very busy this Christmas Season removing the Christmas from parades, school assembly programs, shops, and villages.  I get they are offended by the Christ which is contained in the word Christmas, and the fact that it is a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, savior of mankind.

Christians believe that the only to receive entry into the Kingdom of Heaven is through Jesus Christ, and Christians believe that Jesus was sent to earth to save everyone from sin.  The atheists on the other hand believe that there is nothing but eternal emptiness after you die, and they are trying to convert everyone to their beliefs, and drag everyone to their eternal emptiness.

Unfortunately for the rest of us, the atheists are winning.  They have been successful in preventing Christians to express their religious beliefs in public.  It is time to take the country back from the atheists and throw every politician and judge that gives into the atheists’ demands.

If you are offended by Christmas and you live in the United States, you should move to a country where Christmas is not celebrated.

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Seriously, Why Does Anyone Ever Vote For A Democrat?

The leaders of the democrat party, the ones in Washington, have core beliefs that they stick to no matter the state of the country.   All of their policies are based on the main principles of high taxes and a weak military.  Every single time a democrat takes the office of the president or the democrats gain control of the House or Senate, the very first thing they do is raise taxes and cut military funding.  It has been proven time and time again that lowering taxes increases revenue to the government.

The revenue grows because corporations and small business are able to hire more employees when taxes are lowered.  When businesses hire more employees, there less
people unemployed, less unemployment compensation is paid from the government’s revenue, and more income tax is collected.  This is so simple, unfortunately the democrats just do not get it.  According to the lame-stream media (ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, NY Times, etc.), Republicans, especially Conservative, Christan, Republicans are a bunch of backward, bumpkin morons.  Well, if we are so dumb, why do we understand how the economy works and the democrats do not?

As soon as Obama took the office of President of The United States, he immediately cut funding to the military, changed the rules of engagement in Afghanistan, which has put our soldiers in great danger, announced America would be pulling out of Iraq, and he toured the world apologizing for America’s success.  Not only has the president weakened the military, he has made the US look inferior to other countries by apologizing.  He has put the lives of soldiers in danger by announcing a pull out date.  He has put the government of Iraq in danger by announcing a pull out date.  The US still has troops in Japan, Germany, South Korea, Italy, and Germany.

I know the democrats hate the military and everything it stands for, but the democrats should stop endangering the lives of our troops just to prove they are anti-war peaceniks.  Since Obama has taken office, America has been attacked by terrorists three times, the failed Christmas bombing, the failed Times-Square bombing, and the attack on Fort Hood.  The only reason the two bombings failed was due to the fact that the terrorists did not know how to properly detonate a bomb.  I do not feel safe with the current president in office.  I will not step foot on a plane until the current president is out office.  Of course, I can not afford to fly anyway because the democrats have made the destroyed the economy.

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A Few Questions About Atheism

If atheists do not believe in God, why are they so angry that Christians do?  Why have they made it their goal to eliminate Christianity?  Why are they so angry when they hear a Christian pray?  If their beliefs do not constitute a religion, why are they trying so hard to convert everyone?  Why are atheists so angry at Christians?  Christianity is not the only religion in the United States, why do they not attack other religions?

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The Chilean Miners Are Rescued, And Give Thanks To God

I am very thankful the Chilean miner story has had a happy ending.  Millions of people around had their prayers answered when all 33 miners were safely pulled from up from 2,000 feet the ground.   According to this CBN article, the rescued miners were wearing shirts that referenced Psalm 95:4, “Because in his hands are the depths of the earth, and the heights of the mountains are His”.

It is refreshing to know these miners received their comfort not only from each other, but also from God.  They prayed to God to give them the strength to get them through being trapped 2,000 feet underground and thanked God when they emerged from the mine after being rescued.  Even the President of Chile praised God for the rescue.  Of course, you probably won’t hear any mention of God on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, etc. because the main stream media and Hollywood have made it their goal to portray Christians as a bunch of backward, intolerant, extremists as they continue to push this country toward secularism.

I like the miners am thankful to God for this happy ending.  I pray that more people give praise to God in a public forum, and I pray that the news reporters will stop filtering the news and slanting the news to advance their own selfish agenda.

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